Saturday, July 26, 2008

Detail about Health Benefits Of Swimming

By Bhadresh Bundela

Swimming is a fabulous workout, which is not only beneficial for the human body, but, also is a great fun to perform, especially during summers. In fact, in summer time, swimming serves as an excellent exercising choice to beat the summer heat. It provides you the best of both worlds, if on one hand, it provides the cardio benefits of running, then on the other hand, it paves way for achieving weight training strength building benefits. Read further to explore information about health benefits of swimming …

The reservoir of swimming health benefits is really comprehensive. This aerobic exercise is in real demand in the present times, owing to the reason that people tend to enjoy water sports. It ensures the well being of your heart and lungs. It enhances the flexibility of your joints and provides the scope for boosting your physical activity workout level, thus helping a great deal in your weight loss program.

Swimming is just perfect for people, who have a hard time carrying out weight bearing land based physical activities, as your weight in water is about 1/10 of your usual normal weight on land. For pregnant women and for people with arthritis and back pain problem, there can be no better workout choice, than to go in for swimming. Another great benefit of swimming is that it minimizes the risk of injuries. So, try out this delightful experience of swimming and enjoy the health fitness benefits it offers.

Beginners Swimming Workout

Beginners swimming workout session is of prime importance, because it lays down the foundation for achieving heights in future. If the start off is incorrect, we can't expect any achievement in terms of effectiveness in swimming workout. Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the swimming lesson for beginners and ensure that the proper swimming technique is being adopted.

Here are some beginners swimming tips:

• In the beginning, you should not try to over attempt. It is advisable to maintain a slow comfortable pace to start off. Don’t swim for more than 15-20 minutes at the initial stage.
• Keep a constant track of your heart rate, so as to ensure that you are in the right training zone.
• The duration of swimming lesson for intermediate swimmers should be 20-30 minutes and swimmers who have entered the advanced level, can workout for about 30-60 minutes.
• If you are looking out for a high intensity-swimming stroke, then crawl or freestyle is the perfect choice.
• If you are feeling tired and fatigue, then you can switch over to low intensity strokes like sidestroke or breaststroke. You can even swim a few laps, seeking the aid of kickboards.
• For toning your legs, hips and belly, you can do some kickboard kicks.
• To enhance your breathing skills, hop up and down in the water.
• Each time you perform a stroke, make it a point to stretch your body.
• Breathing exercise is a great way to relax your body and make swimming a delightful experience.

Types Of Swimming Strokes

Swimming is a sporting workout activity that involves multiple distinctive kinds of strokes. Well, a swimming stroke is nothing, but a specific manner of moving your arms and legs, so as to push your body forward against the water. There should not be much of water splashing, while performing your swimming stroke, so as to make sure that your forward movements are going smooth and are not jerky. Read further to explore information about different swimming strokes…

Here is information about the various types of swimming strokes:

• Butterfly Stroke: it is the toughest and the most exhausting swimming stroke, encompassing windmill like arm movements and dolphin kick. While performing this stroke competitively, the swimmer should avoid underwater swimming.
• Breast Stroke: this is one among the different swimming strokes that involves arm movements on the front side, from your head to shoulder level. It is the frog kick that can be associated with this stroke. The swimmer should keep his/her head above the water surface, while carrying out this swim stroke.
• Crawl: flutter kick and alternating over arm movements are the features that characterize crawl-swimming stroke. While doing crawling, the swimmer has to keep his head in the water, alternating the face side.
• Sidestroke: scissors kick is a distinguished feature that explains the movements of sidestroke. This underwater stroke involves the pushing of your body in the forward direction, keeping your body on one side.
• Backstroke: this stroke involves alternate over the head arm movements and flutter kick.
• Freestyle swimming: it gives you the liberty to use any swimming stroke you want to, while carrying out your swimming workout session.
• Dog paddle: it is one of the simplest swimming strokes, making use of modified flutter kick. In dog paddling, your forward motion takes place with your arms underwater.

Freestyle Swimming Technique

Freestyle swimming is basically meant for competitive swimmers, who have attained mastery over swimming strokes. Freestyle stroke swimming is a high intensity workout, requiring you to start off fast and give your body a hard jerk. Anything is effective only if it is carried out in the right manner. In the same way, there is a need to adopt proper freestyle swimming technique, so as to succeed in your mission.

Here are some freestyle swimming tips:
• Your posture should be such that your head is in line with your spine.
• When not breathing, the focus of your eyes should be on the bottom of the pool.
• Don’t keep your forearms stiff; rather let them loose and hanging from the elbow, so that they can swing forward easily.
• Your trunk should be in such a position, so that it maintains a proper shoulder-hip connection.
• Your body movements should get initiated from hips.
• Your leg kick should come out naturally, in the sense, it should not be a forced one.
• Shifting from a low beat kick to a higher one is preferable only for those, who have adequate practice in doing so.
• Breathing should be avoided while swimming.


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